Thursday 10th November 2022
We are halfway through Term 4. We have a busy end to the term across the school with our learning programmes continuing until the Christmas holiday break. Thank you for supporting the fundraising activities at St Francis for Catholic Mission Week, it is appreciated. On Friday the students can wear their favourite sports colours to school. I hope to see the Dockers colours flying, however, I am sure there will be a sea of Blue and Maroon and many basketball jerseys.
Congratulations to Mrs Dando & Mrs Woodroffe who have been voted in the Hot 100 - Apple for a Teacher competition. Please send in your votes via the link as there are prizes to be won for the winning Teacher and School. Remember students can vote every day for our teachers!
Our 2023 Transition students are coming to ‘Big School’ again to have some fun with their friends and familiarise themselves with being in class at St Francis. It is an exciting time for them, and we look forward to nurturing them as they grow and become self-confident, motivated and happy learners. I am very pleased to announce that Mrs Evi Dando will be the Transition teacher in 2023.
We hope to announce our staff for 2023 in the upcoming weeks as our recruitment process is finalised.
On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918 an armistice was signed that stopped the fighting in World War I. Since then, and after World War II, this day of remembrance became known as ‘Remembrance Day’ so we can remember the people who have died in all wars. On Friday, the students will participate in a Remembrance Day reflection with the class.
Life in the 21st Century has a strong emphasis on social media and digital technologies for our students. It is important for our families to stay up to date with the latest apps presented to children. The eSafety Guide provides you with all the latest information on the games, apps and social media options available. It provides detail on how to protect your information and for our families to learn more about the benefits and risks associated with digital platforms. Take the time to read the guide to educate yourselves on the platforms your child can be exposed to.
For the rest of this week, I will be participating in the Principal’s conference at the CENT Office, with a focus on Teaching and Learning, Data and Catholic Identity to prepare for 2023.
Have a great weekend with your loved ones.
School: (08) 8988 1212 Early Learning Centre: (08) 8988 2821 After School Care: 0429501507