Thursday 16th February 2023
“I truly believe the only way we can create global peace is through not only educating our minds, but our hearts and our souls.”
Dear St Francis families,
It has been another happy week at school, and it has been great to see our teachers and students getting into their classroom routines. There have been many smiles as the students engage in their learning. I have to commend our students on the care they show to others on the playground, and I am so happy that including others is just a natural part of their play.
Our teachers have been focussing their attention on ensuring all students get to know their friends and teachers as strong relationships are essential to a positive learning environment, creating classroom routines and developing learning goals for the term. All this is happening as they deliver the curriculum, encouraging students to become independent learners. This takes much time and planning behind the scenes, and I thank our teachers for the time they have invested in this, it is much appreciated. They have everything running smoothly and will be communicating and updating you regularly on classroom life through DOJO.
I love being out on the playground chatting with the students and trying to keep up with them in games. The feedback from them has been very positive and they have enjoyed the start to the year. I also thank you for your feedback and responses regarding our assembly day. I can now confirm that from Week 4, assemblies will be held on Friday mornings. We welcome all families that are able to join us in attending. We will announce and welcome our Year 6 student leaders at our mass on Monday. They have many ideas and have had an excellent start to their leadership journey in 2023.
We plan to have numerous events for our students to participate in this year and will update the calendar as they are confirmed. We have our football clinic in Week 5 and 6 for the students across the school where new skills will be learnt as the students have a blast. We will be seeking interest for a parent/teacher versus student football game after our clinics, so start your training now!
The Commemorative Service for the 81st Anniversary of the Bombing of Darwin is to be held at the Darwin Cenotaph this Sunday 19th February from 9:30am. Our School Leaders will attend this service with myself and Ms Jan McCarthy to lay a wreath. Their attendance will ensure the older generation has the opportunity to pass the baton of remembrance to our younger Australians, so they too may understand the significance of this historic event and help ensure that our nation never forgets.
19/2/23 Bombing of Darwin
20/2/23 Welcome Mass and Presentation of Student Leaders
22/2/23 Ash Wednesday Liturgy Year 4-6 9:00am Transition -Year 3 9:30am
24/2/23 Year 6/5 Assembly and Merit Awards
We've had a positive start to the school year at St Francis. It's been great to see students and staff 'Making Jesus Real' in our lives by using kind words and actions! Next week we hope you can join us at school for some special events including our Opening Mass and Ash Wednesday Liturgy (see calendar).
As we begin to prepare for the Church liturgical season of Lent, students will have the opportunity to celebrate Shrove Tuesday on 21 February by enjoying pancakes with their peers. Yum! This signals we are getting ready to put our Lent promises into action. Please notify the classroom teacher of any dietary requirements your child may have (eg. Gluten Free pancakes).
Following on from Shrove Tuesday, we will begin the season of Lent with two Ash Wednesday Liturgies on 22 February (Transition-Year 2 and Year 4-6). The marking of the ashes on our foreheads on this day is an expression of faith and humility. It is also a time of prayer, fasting and giving to others for 40 days leading up to Easter.
If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
School: (08) 8988 1212 Early Learning Centre: (08) 8988 2821 After School Care: 0429501507