Term 3
Friday 23rd July
Darwin Show
Public Holiday
Monday 2nd August
Picnic Day
Public Holiday
Friday 6th August
We Are One Concert
10th & 11th August
Conversations for Learning
Friday 27th August
Book Character Parade
Movie Night
Dear Families and Friends,
We welcome students, staff and families back to school after unusual school holidays. I hope that families enjoyed the opportunity to spend time together, I know the Bolwell family enjoyed afternoons of board games and our dogs relished their numerous walks.
This term we welcome Mrs Sarah Haydon to St Francis of Assisi. Sarah is our new Deputy Principal and will also be our Curriculum Coordinator. Please enjoy her letter of introduction further within the newsletter. We also welcome back Taylor Simmonds who has returned to the Territory after some time in Queensland and Bailey & Atterzen Dobson who have moved to our school. We know how welcoming the community of St Francis of Assisi is, and they will feel part of our family very soon.
As we continue operating in these different times it is important that we continue to implement safe practices, especially with the ongoing situation regarding Covid19, to ensure the safety of all students, staff and families at St Francis of Assisi. This includes informing the school if your family or child has travelled interstate. If you are feeling unwell, it is also important that you do not attend school. Please let the front office know. Anyone who is quarantined or is at home while awaiting a Covid19 test must provide a copy of the test results to the school before they can return.
We also require that families and friends check-in using the QR code when at the school, these are available at the school entrance and throughout the grounds.
It is important we work together and we do not become complacent with Covid19. We have seen how very quickly things can change for us all.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
The children were very impressed with their classrooms on their arrival back to school on Tuesday. Our classrooms looked very bright with newly painted walls and new furniture.
Our 'Conversations for Learning' will occur in week 4 of next term, the 10th and 11th of August. The SOBs website will be open to families from Tuesday the 20th of July for those who would like to book their child’s ‘Conversations for Learning’.
Parents will need to use this URL to make bookings:
Our biannual concert 'We Are One' is planned to go ahead on Friday the 6th of August. The children have been practising their dances, learning their songs and getting their costumes ready. Please ensure you spread the news and invite family and friends for a very entertaining night under the stars.
Looking forward to working with families.
School: (08) 8988 1212 Early Learning Centre: (08) 8988 2821 After School Care: 0429501507