Thursday 24th February 2022
Term 1
Tuesday 1st March
Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Morning Tea
Wednesday 2nd March
Ash Wednesday
Thursday 7th April
Last day of Term 1
Friday 8th April
Student Free Day
Week 4 is nearly over and the term seems to be flying by. We have had staff and students absent this week and I hope that our families are recovering and looking after themselves. It is a time for us to reflect, reach out and check in on one another. I want to say it is a privilege to work with staff who have been so willing to help out with a smile where it has been needed. I have been fortunate to be in classrooms this week and have enjoyed every minute of it.
On Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent, we will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday with our students. This is a day to celebrate and give thanks for all the good things in our lives. As well as teaching the students about the history and traditions associated with Shrove Tuesday, we will also share a pancake snack with the students. If you would prefer that your child did not receive a pancake, please contact your child’s classroom teacher before the day.
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, a special occasion for the St Francis community to come together and to share our common commitment to living out the Gospel values and to mark the beginning of the Lenten season. On Ash Wednesday we are marked with ash as a sign that we are ready to begin our Lenten journey towards Easter. The use of ashes reminds us of our humble status before God. Throughout Lent we will support Project Compassion through fundraising and prayer to assist the world’s most vulnerable people.
Lent is a time for moving closer to God.
Renew us O Lord… So we live what we believe.
I am very proud of the Year 5 and 6 students who presented their speeches to their peers for Student Leader and Sport Captain. I commend them on the way they all spoke eloquently and shared their wonderful ideas for our school. I look forward to working with this cohort of students over 2022.
St Anthony: Seth and Harry
St Teresa: Marlise, Aiden and Jason
St Francis: Delilah and Jake
St Clare: Addison and Alyra
Have a wonderful weekend. I will be getting out on my bike again on the sensational tracks in the NT and I am hoping that my legs won’t be as sore this time.
Year 1 and 2 Writing Super Stars
The students in our Year 1/2 class know everything about dinosaurs. Their writing has been so impressive. They have all worked so hard so far this term and listening to their stories was a delight.
Digital Citizenship Agreements
Digital Citizenship Agreements have been sent home with your child. Please spend some time over the weekend to read through this together and return the signed document to school. The purpose of this document it to advise on school expectations and appropriate care of digital technologies.
As we are unable to have groups of parents attend events at school at the moment, we will postpone Class Performance Assemblies this term. Merit assemblies will begin in Week 5, and these will be recorded and uploaded to Dojo. Parents will still be advised of their children receiving an award.
Dates to remember:
Shrove Tuesday 1st March Clean up Australia Day 1st March
School Closure
Our School will be closed for a Staff PD day on Friday the 8th April. Vacation Care will be available if required. Booking forms will be available in the coming weeks. Please contact the Office on 89881212 if you will be requiring this service.
Steve Bowell welcomes parent assistance. If you are available to assist in the canteen, please let the office know. Please see the link below for the canteen menu.
Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell. This is very important not only for your child but the health of all children and staff. If your child has a medical condition that the school needs to be made aware of, please advise Administration as soon as possible. The appropriate forms will be sent to you to be completed, signed and returned to the front office.
Parents and Friends Association
We have had some enquiries regarding the P & F and look forward to our families working together this year. We hope to have many families on board!
School: (08) 8988 1212 Early Learning Centre: (08) 8988 2821 After School Care: 0429501507