

Thursday 18th April 2024


Hi All,

This week I have been undertaking professional development along with other Catholic Education Northern Territory leaders led by Canadian education researcher Dr Lyn Sharratt. The three days were part of an ongoing commitment by CENT to establishing a learning alliance between schools.

Lyn is a highly accomplished author and researcher. Over her career she has worked in four school districts across Ontario, Canada in various leadership roles. She is currently the coordinator of the doctoral internship program in the Leadership, Higher and Adult Education Department at the University of Toronto.

Through her research and partnership with fellow Canadian academic Michael Fullan she has developed the 14 Parameters of the Learning Framework which is outlined in her book, CLARITY: What Matters Most in Learning, Teaching, and Leading. Lyn now works with school districts around the world to put this framework into practice.

A real highlight of the sessions were class visits held at Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School in Palmerston. School Principal Stephen Versteegh and his staff have been implementing elements of the 14 Parameters of the Learning Framework over the past 12 months. It was very inspiring to see how Lyn’s research can be used in a school setting similar to our own.

It is always a pleasure to welcome new people to the St Francis of Assisi school community. This term we welcome new students Huxley Jagers and Scarlett Nilsson to our school. We are also very excited to welcome back Miss Leanne to our school, she will be working across the Junior classes. In the ELC we also welcome some new staff in our ELC in Grace Garrett and Porscha Johnson.

ELC Assessment and Rating
A big congratulations to Miss Bec and all the ELC team on their recent successful completion of the Assessment and Rating process. Assessors from Quality Education and Care NT spent two days at the centre to ensure that it is meeting the National Quality Standard and the requirements of the National Regulations. I am pleased to announce that the centre is Meeting all of the 7 Quality Areas of the National Quality Standards.

School Photos
A reminder that our School Photos will be held on Monday, April 29th. If you would like to order photos please send your order forms to the office. If you are interested in sibling photos please contact the office for a sibling order form.

Xplor Platform
A reminder that we are going live with our new system for ELC and OSHC from Monday, April 22nd. All ELC & OSHC children need to have an enrolment completed via the Xplor platform ASAP. Thank you to everyone who has already completed this process.

Please use the following links to complete:


A reminder that the school will hold a closure day on Friday April 26th. There will be no Vacation Care program on this day but the ELC will operate as normal.

With Faith in their Future
Chris McAloon
MSP Photography
School Counsellors item
Updated Sacramental Program (1)
Updated Sacramental Program (2)
Term 2 2024 Calendar
2024 Feel Good Factory Poster
Childrens Film Festival
Young Territory Author Awards
Variety NT Adventure Camp
parish-mass-times copy (002)
School: (08) 8988 1212
Early Learning Centre: (08) 8988 2821
After School Care: 0429501507