Thursday 5th September 2024
It was wonderful to have so many family members in attendance on Friday for our Father’s Day celebrations. As with many school events, it is the work of many that allowed the morning to run so smoothly. Firstly, a big thank you to Mr Steve for putting together a fantastic breakfast for everyone and those staff who helped with the serving. Also well done to our teachers for creating some fun-filled activities for our students and visitors. Finally, a big thank you to our P&F for running the gift stall and to Diamond Barbers in Coolalinga for sponsoring the raffle.
Over the coming weeks all classes will participate in lessons from the Made in the Image of God (MITIOG) - Human Sexuality Curriculum program. All content covered in the curriculum is age-appropriate and grounded firmly in a Catholic understanding of the human person. As a school we see all aspects of the learning and development of children as a shared responsibility between school and home. In order to work together in partnership below are the learning outcomes for each area:
Transition: Students will display a sense of awe, wonder and gratitude for the value of human life. They will name how family structures take many forms and that families can reveal God’s love. They will use the correct terminology to name the parts of the body.
Grade 1/2: Students will describe how a family is meant to be a safe place for a child to be loved and nurtured. They will recognise behaviour that promotes respectful body awareness.
Grade 3/4: Students will be able to describe the different stages of personal growth and development and how this relates to a personal identity. They will explain how a foetus grows and develops.
Grade 5/6: Students will examine the Christian understanding that sexuality is a gift from God who calls people to use it respectfully. They will identify strategies for managing physical and emotional changes during puberty.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me or your child’s classroom teacher.
The school holidays are just around the corner and our wonderful Outside of School Hours Care (OSHC) team is again running a Vacation Care program. If you require care for your child please complete the booking form below and return to our Office.
With Faith in their Future
School: (08) 8988 1212 Early Learning Centre: (08) 8988 2821 After School Care: 0429501507