Term 1
Friday 9th April
Last day of Term 1
Monday 19th April
Students return for Term 2
Friday 23rd April
School Photo's
Sunday 25th April
ANZAC Day March Humpty Doo Cenotaph
Monday 26th April
ANZAC Day holiday
Dear Families and Friends,
I hope that everyone had a lovely long weekend and enjoyed the Easter celebrations. I always love celebrating Easter outside of the school holidays as it allows us to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and remember how much Jesus loves us with the children in a timely manner.
Congratulations once again to all our Easter Raffle winners from last week. We raised approximately $623.00 for which all proceeds will go towards upgrading the playground equipment. We thank our P&F team for coordinating the raffle and our very special visitor who made the time to hop into St Francis.
A reminder to families that the first Friday of Term 2 we have our school photos.
Forms have been sent home and payments can be made online. For sibling photos, another form must be collected from the office.
Please do not hesitate to contact the office for further assistance.
Recently we have been reminding students of the importance of stranger danger and the 3R's. R – RECOGNISE danger, R – REACT by yelling out and running away and R – REPORT to a trusted adult. We ask families to also remind children of the 3R's at home.
As we move into the school holidays the use of technology at home might increase, resources such as the Daniel Morcombe website https://danielmorcombe.com.au/safe-bedrooms/ could also be a valuable source of information and tips for families.
This week we say farewell to Mehli Derschow. Ms Mehli is currently the school's Aboriginal and Islander Education Worker. Her partner has been drafted by an AFL team in Melbourne and so she, with her young son, will be relocating to the southern state to join her partner. I am sure everyone will join with me in wishing them every success.
We also farewell Mrs Gullefer this week who has been one of our classroom teachers for the past two years. Again, Mrs Gullefer, I would like to thank you on behalf of the School's community for your contribution to the school.
Our new teacher Mrs Emma Moore is looking forward to meeting and working with the children and families.
On Sunday the 25th of March everyone is invited to participate in the ANZAC Day march and service. Students are asked to be in Taminmin College car park by 9:00 am and then will join other groups in marching across to the cenotaph at the Village Green for the service.
Our School Choir will be singing the National Anthem.
I wish to thank you all for our super term together. It has been a very successful term with many achievements and celebrations.
Tomorrow at our final assembly for the term, Father Giovanni will bless all our student leaders who will receive their badges. It would be lovely to see families and friends joins us for this occasion.
Wishing all our families and friends a relaxing and safe term holiday.
School: (08) 8988 1212 Early Learning Centre: (08) 8988 2821 After School Care: 0429501507