

Volume 28 Issue 80
Friday 10th February 2022

Term 1

Friday 11th February

Year 6 Captain Speeches

Friday 18th February

Year 6 Sport Captain Speeches

Week 2 Prayer
Dear Families,

I wanted to start by saying thanks to everyone in our community for helping to make this week run so smoothly. I would particularly like to thank all the parents and staff at St Francis of Assisi for getting on board and being across everything that COVID restrictions bring. Everyone has kept their humour and the friendly vibes at drop off and pick up have kept us all smiling.

As always, the start of the year is an exciting and busy time for all, and our super staff have been tremendous. It has been a privilege to witness the care, support, dedication, organisation and commitment of all staff to the commencement of the school year. They have been working hard behind the scenes and have gone above and beyond to ensure a smooth transition into 2022.

A big shout out goes to our students for their energy and willingness to be ready to have a go! I have witnessed encouraging behaviours, friendly smiles, lots of laughs and inclusion of others both during play times and in the classroom, as the students display how they live with Jesus in their hearts. If this is how we begin, 2022 is going to be a great year!

Have a great weekend, enjoy the glorious weather! I am ready to get outdoors with the family, to explore and enjoy the beauty on offer here.

Jen Rudyard
The partnership between home and school is vital to the work we do with your children. Please know that we are keen to lock future school events into the calendar, like our Parent Information Night. We’ll let you know as soon as we can, however, in the meantime your child’s teacher will keep you updated on classroom life through Dojo. The staff look forward to working in partnership with all our families, for now through online communication, to ensure each child is supported to reach their full potential in all areas of development. Please use Dojo to keep in regular contact and keep the lines of communication open.

Mrs Allison and Mrs Sharryn in the Year 5/6 team have been busy preparing the students for their Leadership Speeches which will be held on Friday. Leading up to this event, the Year 5/6 students were given many opportunities to explore as a group what leadership is. There was a strong emphasis upon the fact that as Year 5/6 students, they do not need a badge in order to lead by example. Visits were made by Ms Jen Rudyard and Mrs Sarah Haydon who joined Mrs Allison, to share their experiences of being leaders and the qualities they believe help shape a good leader.

Our families can’t be with the students to encourage them on Friday but we know you will be cheering from home. The links to the speeches will be sent out to families.

Thank you so much for your support this week. Sending recess and lunch with your children was a massive help. We appreciate your assistance with this. We are excited that from Friday our canteen will be running as normal.

We have a wonderful bus service for our students to get them to and from school safely. Our students are respectful and responsible when they travel and we would like this to continue. Please read with your child “The Code” and go over “Rules for catching a bus” located on the link below to reinforce travelling safely and happily.

The Code

Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell. This is very important not only for your child but the health of all children and staff. If your child has a medical condition that the school needs to be made aware of, please advise Administration as soon as possible. The appropriate forms will be sent to you to be completed, signed and returned to the front office.
Living with COVID/Back to School

Vac care newsletter week 2
Week 2 RE Item
11thFeb2022 - Back to School
Term 1 Calendar 2022
Back to School Voucher
parish mass times
School: (08) 8988 1212
Early Learning Centre: (08) 8988 2821
After School Care: 0429501507