

Volume 26 Issue 39
Thursday 17th December 2020

Merry Christmas to you all.

Enjoy the holidays.

School returns

Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Week 10 Prayer
Dear Families and Friends,
This week we have been making our preparations for the end of the school year just as we make our final preparations for the celebrations with the birth of Jesus.
As I said in my presentation yesterday, 2020 has definitely been a year where we have been pushed out of our comfort zones and stretched emotionally and mentally. But as I reflect on the year, I am full of a sense of pride for what we have achieved in a year with so much uncertainty. I thank you all for your contribution and support.

Yesterday we farewelled our 2020 Year 6 Graduates at the whole school mass and in the evening with dinner. It was a wonderful send-off and we wish them all the best as they begin the next chapter of their lives. We also farewelled the families who are leaving us and asked that they will keep us updated about the events and achievements in the future.

Thank you to those who were able to join us for our final school mass for the year, award ceremony and graduation mass yesterday. Congratulations to all those students who received Chief Minister’s Literacy Achievement Awards and Education Minister STEM Awards, it was good to see your hard work and leadership in your learning being recognised. We also congratulate those Year 6 students who received awards. We would also like to thank everyone for their very generous support of our St Vincent de Paul appeal. The CEO, Rob Lutter, who was at our celebration, was very impressed in our generosity.

Our classes for 2021 are still being finalised. If families have yet to inform the school of their intentions for next year could you please let the office know.
The structure is likely to be;
Room 1 T/1 with Mrs Flynn
Room 2 1/2 with Mrs Woodroffe
Room 11 3/4 to be confirmed with Ms White returning in Term 2
Room 9 5/6 with Mrs Gullefer

This afternoon we will be finding out the winners of the Christmas Raffle. We thank Area 9, iFiness and Darwin Veterinary Surgery for their support and donations of our raffle. We also thank you, our family and friends for your support of the raffle.

I would also like to like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff of St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School. They work tirelessly to ensure that all our students are successful. Their passion and enthusiasm invigorates me and strengthens my resolve to always reach for the stars.

Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas and new year.
We hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday and look forward to working in partnership with you in 2021.

Grow in Wisdom and Love.


Melanie Bolwell
Graduation photo album
ELC Assembly & Graduation
RE Week 10 Newsletter item
17Dec2020 - Christmas Activities
Week 9
2 Christmas Holidays Office Hours
Term 1 2021 Calendar
2021 School fees for newsletter
Downpour Poster (website link)
Taminmin Flyer
Taminmin Page 2
Junior Development Camp
UPDATED Razzamatazz
School: (08) 8988 1212
Early Learning Centre: (08) 8988 2821
After School Care: 0429501507