

Volume 26 Issue 17
Thursday 11th June 2020

Dates to


Friday 26th June

Last day of Term 2

Term 3

Tuesday 21st July

School Returns

Friday 24th July

Darwin Show Day Holiday

Friday 31st July

Sports Day

week 8 Prayer
Dear Families and Friends,
This week we welcome and introduce to our families and friends Mr Michael.
Mr Michael is our new Outside School Hours Care Coordinator. He has been part of the team on and off for the past nine years. We are very excited to have him join us again in this new role and the children love having him in the service.
Recently we have noticed a growing number of hungry children who have eaten everything in the lunch box at morning tea. Please make sure that your child has enough healthy food to get them through the day. Or perhaps families might consider ordering some delicious healthy and hearty meals from Mr Steve in the canteen for a very reasonable cost.
During the past few weeks, teachers have been working indefatigably collecting evidence and preparing student reports. Schools are required to provide a report to families using an equivalent 5 point scale. Below is the 5 point scale used at St Francis;
Evidence of learning demonstrates outstanding achievement at this year level
Evidence of learning demonstrates high achievement at this year level
Evidence of learning demonstrates sound achievement at this year level
Evidence of learning demonstrates limited achievement at this year level
Evidence of learning demonstrates very limited achievement at this year level
Reports will be sent home to families on the Wednesday of week 10. Please take the time to sit with your child and read about their individual learning journeys and celebrate with them.

The School Board and Leadership Team have been reviewing the Homework Policy. We are seeking feedback from families in regards to what they like about the homework policy and what they would like to see changed. Please click on the following link to give us this important information.

We are working towards a new date to host our Sports Day. Please put Friday the 31st of July into your calendars for our St Francis of Assisi Sports Day. We hope that all our families and friends will be able to join us for the day.

Grow in Wisdom and Love.


Melanie Bolwell
Cara Newsletter term 2 2020
Week 8 RE Item

11June2020 - Attendance
Week 8
Bussys Corner Issue 4
Humpty Doo Vacation Care
Humpty DooVacation Care Page 2
Humpty Doo Vacation Care Page 3
427B Page 2
YTAA Poster
NDIS June 2020
NDIS July 2020
School: (08) 8988 1212
Early Learning Centre: (08) 8988 2821
After School Care: 0429501507