Student Wellbeing


St Francis of Assisi is committed to the wellbeing of all our students. Wellbeing refers to students’ physical, social and emotional wellbeing and development. Evidence suggests that these elements are integral rather than incidental to learning.

Every student from Transition to Year 6 participates in regular social and emotional learning programs as part of the Curriculum. These programs are designed to improve social skills, enhance mental health and prevent bullying. The main framework used to at St Francis in regards to mental health and wellbeing is KidsMatter.

Through KidsMatter Primary, the staff at St Francis plan and take action to be a positive community; one that is founded on respectful relationships and a sense of belonging and inclusion, which promotes:

  • social and emotional learning (including evidence-based social and emotional learning programs)
  • working authentically with parents, carers and families
  • support for students who may be experiencing mental health difficulties.

Within the KidsMatter framework, St Francis has introduced a range of programs to support children’s mental health and wellbeing. We also provide a consistent school-wide Positive Behaviour Management Policy and approach based on School-wide Positive Behaviours and Restorative Practices for conflict management and relationship restoration are also implemented.


Is it bullying