Assessment and Reporting

Education is a partnership between home and school. Effective, regular and open communication is essential.

Each child’s progress is continually monitored and assessed by their teacher.  Comprehensive assessment informs teaching and learning programs, aids in establishing open communication, guides student learning, assists in establishing future directions, and helps to identify areas of exemplary performance, as well as those in need of support and assistance.

The 3 main uses for assessment are;

Assessment For Learning – to inform learning and teaching in classroom, to find out where student needs are.

Assessment Of Learning – to measure how much a student has learnt in a given unit, topic, term, semester.

Assessment As learning – to empower students in their learning by teaching them skills to enable them to assess their learning and set goals about their future learning.

Assessment data is used for reporting purposes, to inform teaching and learning programs and the future directions of the school. This information is collated and communicated to the school and wider community through School Board Reports, School Improvement Plans, Annual Action Plans, External Validations and Annual Reports to the Community.

Parent Information Evenings

Information evenings for parents are held early in Term 1. At these evenings, teachers provide parents with an overview of the curriculum, assessment and reporting processes and learning experiences that their children will engage in throughout the year. Teachers also share information regarding homework, behaviour management and extra curriculum opportunities available. This is a valuable opportunity for parents to meet their child’s teacher.

Conversations 4 Learning

Student lead conferences are held in Term 1 and 3. Parents are also encouraged to request an interview with classroom teachers at any time throughout the year. This can be done through emailing the teacher or contacting them through the school office to arrange a suitable time.


The Student Learning Portfolio includes work samples with an attached evidence of learning from the teacher.  Parents and students are invited to respond to the work sample comments and seek clarification if necessary. Portfolios can be viewed by the parents on request at any time throughout the year. 

Academic Reports

Academic reports are sent home at the end of each semester.

External Assessment

Each year all Year 3 and 5 students across Australia take part in the NAPLAN (National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy). This involves four different assessments across these learning areas and provides a snapshot of student achievement. Parents receive a report of their child’s achievement in comparison to the school and Australian average levels of achievement.

Parents are always encouraged to contact the classroom teacher if they have any concerns with their child’s progress or issue that may impact on the student’s success in learning. Often a concern, may be resolved quickly if the issue is addressed early. Please arrange a suitable time to meet with the classroom teacher before or after school to discuss any concerns. Teachers prefer to have meetings after school with arrangements made in advance via phone/ email / note.